Monday, May 14, 2012

Katie & Adam Engagment

Save The Date!!

Last year in my wedding photography class I recruited my friend Katie and her FiancĂ© Adam as one of my couples for one of my 'engagement assignments'.  

Later that year I was able to shoot their actual photos with fellow photographer Derek Kneblewski.

It was a beautiful day and with a great assemblage of people on board for the shoot I couldn't have asked for anything better.

{This is final photo chosen with filter for their "STD" invites as Katie put it. Ha-Ha!}

Katie and Adam compliment each other perfectly, they have a convivial sense of humour and are happily in love.  I wish them nothing but the best and can't wait to be personally shooting their wedding this year with Jason Miles Photography

Friday, May 4, 2012

Langford Foods Catering

The latest and greatest kitchen making great foods to grace and tantalize your taste buds.

This Toronto based delight is the next up and coming great food find.  The owner and operator of Langford Foods is my Uncle Andre who was formally the creator of dash kitchen on the Danforth.
Langford Foods will be at Pusateri's Mother's Day weekend.  Come and sample the new 'ready to bake' scone product line.  Langford Foods' frozen food' entree line will soon be available on their website.
'A gourmet chef in you freezer'!