Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Desserts yumm!! :P

Looks so good that it looks like I took this from a magazine ;)
Wrong! This is all skillzzz baby! hehe!

I am very new to studio work.  The only studio shots I have taken were in my intermediate and advanced photography classes in school.  We touched on portraiture and small product.  This particular assignment was desserts, it's where we learned all the tricks and ins and outs of shooting a dessert so mouth watering we would want to eat it off the screen!  On having doubles just in case one falls apart..or another photographer gets hungry and eats yours! Ha-ha!
I picked up these cookies from Pusateri's in yorkville.  They didn't taste as yummy as they looked but they photographed amazing!
I did very well on this assignment and had a lot of fun shooting it. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My Shananagins

I am smiling from ear to ear as this picture makes me giddy.  During a field trip to the Royal Botanical Gardens, to shoot yet another school project (For Wedding Level 1) I caught this quick jigg Shannon danced as I told her she needed to go outside in the cold. Shannon was my Bride for this mock wedding shoot. It was freezing and the poor girl had nothing to cover up with; she was a trooper! Ha! Love her!

During the shoot Shannon thew her bouquet to climb a tree!  One of my classmates caught it and then turned proudly to the rest of us to show his super catching skills! Ha-Ha!  Ironically he is the next to get married! :P

Sadly at the end of the day I lost my first SD card loosing more than half of the pictures I shot of Shannon and Shawn at Royal Botanical Gardens.  This was all I could really recover from the second card.  Lesson learned: Glue your memory cards to you, Swallow them if you have to!  When your memory fades your pictures better be there to prove it happened!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

You can dance anywhere, even if only in your heart.

It's October! One of the most colourful months of the year!

I want to say first off that I noticed that I really do suck at keeping up with this whole blog thing, mainly because it requires time to chill out and just take a moment to write.  Time which I have very little of.

I thought I would start off with a picture of me before getting the ball rolling on photo pieces I have taken (and some taken 'of' me :P) so far this year.

I mentioned before I have had a few posts in my drafts for sometime now and will hopefully get these posts up by the end of the week, whilst trying to keep everything in a relative chronologic order.

This year I have taken up my dancing again, and thus performing at the annual Carabram and Carassauga Multicultural Festivals.

During one of the shows a photographer took my picture and sent it to me. The second picture being a few of the girls in my group and I waiting to go on stage! Please enjoy the below video taken during Carabram 2011, while my group performs the "Fan Otea."

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Freshness Guaranteed!

That's right...your local grocery store!

Who knew, that it was a world full of potentially great engagement backgrounds?!  I had worked for Metro for 10 years and wouldn't have ever thought to shoot something so romantic in a venue as simple as the local grocery store.  If you look closely though, the supermarket is a great place to set up those fun and memorable moments!  Who needs to eat?! Only everyone! :P 

The colours of the produce section!

Maybe the couple met over a bag of cholotate milk and whip creme in the dairy department!

How about getting creative in the check out line?
Magazine..*BEEP*....bubble gum..*BEEP*...Bride to be......"Price Check Please!!"

Monday, June 13, 2011

Admire, Bestow, Assimilate.

While in class the other day my wonderful teacher asked us to blog about other photographers work.  Oh crap! I thought, as I am not too familiar with other photographers work; except for fellow classmates, who might I add are pretty darn good!  So the search began, filtering through thousands of pictures from the web and photographers blogs and websites... Yes, I could have picked any pictures really to write about but these selections I wanted to be a reflection of the quality of photos I would want my work to look like.  Something to aspire towards.  I say this in the most politest way possible but there is "a lot" of rubbish out there.  Photographers who have the full gear, websites and businesses; yet produce such drab photos and it boggles my mind!  Everyone with a camera seems to be a self proclaimed expert photographer yet sadly they are not.  It is not very good to say the least, and one the other hand I have seem some amazing amateurs!  Sorry, if I offended anyone but that was my rant! Ha-ha!

Here are my top picks 4 professional picks in ascending order!

The Engagement
Shannon Nicole Smith's engagement photos are the best.  This Florida based photographer does the the whole vintage chic theme very well.  They are always fun and cute photos that make you feel all mushy inside.

The Bride
(Photo By: Audrey Fotografie)
When it comes down to it the Bride is always stealing the show.  Audrey fotografie presents her work as "fine art." I find sometimes a little too much blur but it works for her.  This photo with the bride in the field has a dramatic sky that is fitting with this Bride.

The Bridal Party
(Photo By: Thorpe - Union Photography)
I really enjoy the style John Thorpe brings to the table.  It has a man's touch without being too dude-ish!  His photos remind us that the boys are very much apart of the wedding without stealing the Brides thunder!  I enjoy candids and positioned photos that are relaxed of the bridal party.  This style makes the party much more real and inviting, over rigid and stiff posing.

The Bride & Groom

Last but not least... Dave and Charlotte.  Their photographs are pure, delightful eye candy.  They are beautiful and very pleasing to look at. Dave and Charlotte to me as an aspiring professional photographer  are the whole package; making each photograph a genius work of art.  I love the way the couples are embraced in each of these pictures, so gentle and loving. 

To end off with someone very worthy..

I have had the pleasure to get to know Jason Miles personally, while together attending photography school.  He has helped me with pointers, post production and insight into the photography world.  His photographs are stunning and always impressive to me, and always capturing that special moment.  Jason has recently started his business into Wedding photography and I am delighted to share with you some of his work.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Shoe Love is True Love...Right!?

"Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world." 
 Marilyn Monroe 
(Shoes By: Christian Louboutin - N°Prive Riche 120mm)

I can't help it, "I love the Bling!" And who to do it better than Christian Louboutin. These $3,695.00 open toed sparkle pumps would make me giddy indeed and maybe slightly nauseous at the price.  If my wedding dress did not have sparkle my shoes definitely would!

Clearly I am aware of my expensive taste in shoes among other things but this may not be every other Bride-to-be's style. I have searched high and low for a unique shoe to feature and I have found a sure thing.

I present to you Figgie Shoes!

Not only are these custom hand-painted footwear, these shoes are Beautiful! More importantly they are unique.
Based out of Windsor, Ontario, owner and artist of "Figgie Shoes," Deborah Thomson is home grown Canadian talent.  Where she continues to delight our eyes with her Artistic beauty.

Click on the link below if you would like to see Figgie Pudding's Promotional Video:
Figgie Shoes Video

Figgie Shoes - EverythingWedding.ca Promo from Perfect Shutter on Vimeo.

Colour Your World

So it's that time when you go out "scouting" for that perfect spot to shoot your next clients engagement photos.  It needs to be original, unique and a touch of your style.  Heck! Anywhere can be a backdrop these days from a beautiful greenhouse to a dumpy construction site; as long as you find "thee" spot! ;)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Who Said Chivalry is Dead?!

Well I am back from my blogging hiatus and will be coming strong due to the nature of my new assignments for my Wedding level 2 class.  I have been super busy with dance, work, life and now school again.

To Capture a moment so rare and exciting as a proposal is something I think that more couples should do.  It doesn't have to be over the top on a baseball screen in front of thousands of people where the potential to be denied and humiliated are amplified, rather something as simple as your friend hiding around the corner (or in the case of someone I know.. in the bushes lol) with a camera ready to help a buddy out.

(Photo from: Studio Sixty http://studio67blog.ca/)

The moment is then captured so even when your mind grows tired and fades it is there to help share your story to your Great Grand-kids on what a charmer their Great Grand-daddy was! ;)

Since we are on the topic of "proposals" what better way to to start off June's blog with this video I found, that will carry us into the theme of "Wedding Photography" over the next few posts. (I had put the link into my drafts to publish in my blog weeks ago, but never had time too.. hehe!)  If you haven't seen this video yet, please do get on the band wagon as it is the perfect execution depicting the epitome of romance, creative thoughtfulness and being "oh so darn cute!"

Marriage Proposal Trailer Goes Viral

If you would like to Follow Matt and Ginny their link is below:

- Lemming

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Yumm..!! :P

Mmm Mmm! How I do love Smoothies!!

This is going to be my shortest blog entry to date..I think..
This is what happens when no one is around to hang out with!  
I sit at home and I take pictures of my food in my Pj's! Hahaha!!!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

My beloved.

When Tomorrow Starts Without Me

When tomorrow starts without me,
And I'm not there to see;
If the sun should rise and find your eyes
All filled with tears for me;
I wish so much you wouldn't cry
The way you did today,
While thinking of the many things,
We didn't get to say.

I know how much you love me,
As much as I love you,
And each time that you think of me,
I know you'll miss me too;
But when tomorrow starts without me,
Please try to understand,
That an angel came and called my name,
And took me by the hand,
And said my place was ready,
In heaven far above,
And that I'd have to leave behind
All those I dearly love.

But as I turned to walk away,
A tear fell from my eye,
For all my life, I'd always thought,
I didn't want to die.
I had so much to live for,
So much yet to do,
It seemed almost impossible,
That I was leaving you.
I thought of all the yesterdays,
The good ones and the bad,
I thought of all the love we shared,
And all the fun we had.

If I could relive yesterday,
Just even for awhile,
I'd say goodbye and kiss you
And maybe see you smile.
But then I fully realized,
That this could never be,
For emptiness and memories,
Would take the place of me.
And when I thought of worldly things,
I might miss come tomorrow,
I thought of you, and when I did,
My heart was filled with sorrow.

But when I walked through heaven's gates,
I felt so much at home.
When God looked down and smiled at me,
From His great golden throne,
He said "This is eternity,
And all I've promised you."
Today for life on earth is past,
But here it starts anew.
I promise no tomorrow,
But today will always last,
And since each day's the same day
There's no longing for the past.

But you have been so faithful,
So trusting and so true.
Thought there were times you did some things,
You knew you shouldn't do.
But you have been forgiven
And now at last you're free.
So won't you take my hand
And share my life with me?

So when tomorrow starts without me,
Don't think we're far apart,
For every time you think of me,
I'm right here, in your heart.
(Author Unknown)

- Today I've had a steady stream soaking my face, I feel like such a loser.  It was a blah-zay kinda day, ironically equipped with gloomy weather outside, very fitting for my mood.  Today is no exception to the way I tend to feel, that I am angry and I'm lonely wishing that she never left me here .  Her picture brings me comfort, she is as beautiful as a rose.  Pictures like this one make me wish she was here with that warm smile of hers, so that "I" may capture it with my camera to keep forever.  I guess I'm just being jealous that my dad is the only one who got to use such a perfect model.  Here's hoping my memory will suffice for as long as possible! 
(yea sorry no rhyming for mee!!! :P)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Man vs. BBQ

Today is the first day of Spring!  I heard on the radio this morning an overcast high of 6 degrees.. Ha-ha! Bring it on!  The funny thing is that I had no idea that today was the first day of spring yet today ironically I had chosen it as my big house cleaning day and now it will be dubbed "Spring cleaning" Boo!  

I have a large extended family and when we get together especially during the warmer months we Bar-B-Q and have huge pot luck lunch/dinners.  That being said now that Spring is officially here I can't wait for it to start!
I snapped this picture of my Uncle A manning the BBQ last year during a gathering we had when my Uncle from San Francisco was in town.  I for some reason "really" like this picture lol.  Both their heads are chopped off and by my Uncles stance and tongs in hand he means business and those chickens are gonna get cooked!!  

As always the food was delicious and was washed down nicely with a refreshing glass of wine! :)

Saturday, March 5, 2011


I don't even drink beer.. for those of you who know me well, know that I get the "Asain glow" from even smelling alcohol! Ha-ha  For those of you who didn't know...that's your Midas tip of the day! ;)
I pretty much take one of my many cameras almost everywhere I  go, so on this occasion because I had my DSLR in tow, I decided to get artistic in the Steam Whistle brewery beside the Rogers Center.  Neat lil place, I didn't do the tour because I have seen the Labatt and Guiness brewery already, (Yes, the Guiness brewery in Ireland...suckas! lol) plus didn't want to pay the coin to go inside.  I really dig the old buildings Toronto has and will probably take the time this year to explore them a bit more.  As for Steam Whistle they give you free little glasses, and when I say "glasses" I mean one. Ha-ha!  But yea that's incentive enough to go in and chill :)

Duck duck duck..GOOSE!

Ahh, Spring! Love is in the air and babies of all kinds appear! LOL... I shot these cuties at Chingcousay Park.  There were tons of little ones and about 3 adults.  I got pretty close to them..until I ran out of bread.. Yes, I bribed them!  It was adorable as one would run the whole clan would mash together and run the way a team of little kids go after a soccer ball when they don't hold their positions.  It was dusk and the sun was leaving the sky quickly, lots of the pictures were a little dark but I got some really cool ones.  Definitely an adventure I would like to undertake again when the spring comes again!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Forks of the credit

I would like to take this opportunity to exploit my best friend by posting her modeling debut pictures and saying how she did a wonderful job at being my model for a day last year!  I had a project to do for class and called her up and told her "hey guess what, I'm giving you red rubber rain boots and you're going to jump in puddles while I do shutter speed pictures for an assignment!" Ha-ha Puddles and suspenders she happily obliged.  I picked her up and off we went to Chinguacousy park, to find that all the rain we had in the morning had already dried up leaving this one tiny puddle in the parking lot! Ha-ha!  Lisa jumped several times til she was no longer jumping in a clear puddle of water but a yucky mud puddle.  Seeing as we had exhausted the park after strolling thru the mini farm we drove up to the forks of the credit to take some more fun pics.  I made her roll around in a field of dandelions til her allergies kicked in.  Oooh the things we do to get the shot! ;)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

School Project

I am currently enrolled in Wedding level 1 photography in night school; for those of you who don't know, those of you who do and I guess the rest of you who don't care but have nothing better to do than read my blog :) Ha!  I am finally doing something in school where I want to be doing it and there is some kind of structure to get where I am going 'and' they are not just random classes here and there.  I also get a certificate at the end of it all.. w0000weeee!! hehe! My last project that I handed in (besides this blog; maybe I should write some nice things about my teacher here..hrmm.. lol.. good idea!  Rewind! "My great, funny, sometimes on baby brain (yes, she is pregnant) but none the less extremely entertaining" teacher! lol) gave us a Wedding Packages assignment where we had to create a price list of different wedding packages to offer to clients.  I really liked the way mine turned out so I decided to take a picture and share it with the world.  Mind you this is an assignment and not for real! :)


*Please note photo creds. to my friends blog "the glass slipper" for letting me use some wedding pictures to make my assignment really pop!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Map Directions

 My Uncle, Owner and Chef, hauling watermelons during "Taste of the Danforth"

"If you're not Dutch, you're not much" :P as my Opa would say.  I felt compelled to throw on the Holland jersey to represent!

Dashkitchen, located on the Danforth is a cozy restaurant serving fabulous gourmet food designed for the on-the-go lifestyle.  My Uncle Andre owns and operates this ridiculously yummy hot spot to which I help out whenever I have free time.  I took some pictures for his website and decided to post some here for your viewing pleasure.  Every year Dashkitchen par-takes in the annual "Taste of the Danforth", and last year was my first year helping out.  There were droves of people and it was a ton of fun!  The watermelons were surprising the top seller as it was a very hot weekend.  I highly recommend eating there one day and not on a biased opinion!  What I can say is it truly has a delicious selection of food items that you will be missing out on!
